The Baby Sleep Expert

The UK's Most Popular Gentle Baby and Toddler Sleep Expert

About The Baby Sleep Expert

Sarah Ockwell-Smith is a well known UK parenting expert and a highly regarded popular parenting author who specialises in baby and toddler sleep.

Sarah is famed for her gentle, science rich, yet easy to read books and her down-to-earth manner and ability to translate her vast knowledge of parenting science into easy to understand language. Sarah’s books include BabyCalm: A guide for calmer babies and happier parents, published by Piatkus, 2012 and ‘ToddlerCalm: A Guide for Calmer Toddlers and Happier Parents‘  Piatkus, 2013.  Sarah’s third book ‘The Gentle Sleep Book: For Calm Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers‘ will be published in 2015 by Piatkus. Sarah has also contributed to the book ‘The Science of Mother-Infant Sleep‘ along with Professor Wendy Middlemiss, Dr. Kathleen Kendall Tacket, Professor Darcia Narvaez, Professor Helen Ball and Professor James McKenna.


Born in Bedfordshire, England in 1976, Sarah Ockwell-Smith is a mother of four school aged children, three boys and one girl. Sarah lives with her family, four cats and numerous chickens in a 350 year old cottage in rural Essex. Sarah initially studied Psychology at the University of Greenwich. After leaving university she embarked on a five year career in Pharmaceutical Research and Development until she became pregnant with her first child in 2001. After the birth of her firstborn Sarah retrained as a Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing Teacher and Doula providing for a rather eclectic mix of scientific and holistic viewpoints!

Sarah has worked with over 1000 parents; helping them to prepare for and settle into life as a new family, with a particular focus on gentle sleep support.  Sarah is also the founder of the popular and highly acclaimed BabyCalm® and ToddlerCalm® organisations and the new parenting website

You can learn more about Sarah on her website HERE.

For TV, Radio, Newspaper and Magazine contributions please contact Sarah’s agent Eve White.